Lean Coffee Timer

by Ghent Works


not available

Tired of pointless meetings that seem to drag on forever? Use Lean Coffee Timer to timebox subjects and ensure that nobody wasted his valuable time! Key features:* Interval timer...* Configurable intervals...* Audio and visual cues...
Coming: * Configure the number of intervals...* Streaming capabilities...* Audience voting capabilities...
Based on the Lean Coffee meeting format, the app allows you to time box specific subjects. Set intervals and determine when it is time to switch to the next subject.
Lean Coffee lets the participants determine the agenda. A number of topics open for discussion are selected, after which the group or meeting facilitator decides how many time should be spend per topic.
The app will time how much minutes are spend on the topic and will ask the meeting facilitator if the topic can be closed after a number of minutes have passed.
This app is suitable for all kind of meetings, especially:* Peer discussions* Status meetings* Meet-ups* ...
See http://leancoffee.org/ for more information